About TEDI

The Trans-European Drug Information project

 is a network of European fieldwork drug checking services that share their expertise and data within a European monitoring and information system. TEDI is part of the Nightlife Empowerment & Well-being Network – New Net.

is a European network of community-based NGOs acting in the fields of health promotion and nightlife, of nightlife professionals, local and regional authorities and agencies, treatment professionals and scientific researchers.

Our Aim

The aim of this monitoring and information system is to help to optimize public health, prevention and harm reduction intervention strategies/programs. It serves as an early warning system and a tool for monitoring the evolution of drug markets in Europe.

What We Do

How we proceed

During 2011 TEDI developed a database that collects, monitors and analyses the evolution of various European drug trends in recreational settings. This system continues to operate allowing information about drug trends to be easily compared across Europe.

The aim of this monitoring and information system is to help to optimize public health, prevention and harm reduction intervention strategies/programs. It serves as an early warning system and a tool for monitoring the evolution of drug markets in Europe.

TEDI also focuses its efforts on reporting the emergence of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) in recreational settings and monitoring their evolution throughout Europe. Over the last few years, at least one new NPS on the market was being reported every week. Besides this market’s dynamic, TEDI has detected a disturbing phenomenon that needs to be confronted by drug checking services – the inclusion of NPS as adulterants in the most commonly consumed illicit drugs including cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamine, LSD and ketamine. This trend seems to be spreading among all of the countries currently being monitored by TEDI.

These trends should thus be followed closely and appropriately addressed by providing information and harm reduction messages to users themself.

Meet Our Team

The TEDI network works with a multidisciplinary team of professionals from drug prevention workers to chemists, spread across the various member organisations that make up the network. Below you can meet some of them.

Alex Karden


Alma Heckenroth


Andreas Steidl


Andrea Albino


Bérénice Libois


Carlos Paulos


Daniel Martins


Dean Acreman


Eva Glasser


Fiona Measham


Guy Jones

Data manager

Hannes Watzenegger


Magdaléna Šustková






Mireia Ventura

TEDI manager

Nejc Birsa


Nicolas Van der Linden


R Koning klein


Tibor Harrach


Drug Checking Berlin – Germany

Sacha Hertzog


Would you like to join our network?

Would you like to part of the TEDI network? Get in touch with us .